Fellow KWT Members,
Every so often, a number of issues come up that require your attention. When that happens, rather than flooding your inbox with a series of separate emails – one on each topic – the most
efficient approach is to bundle them together into one single email. Such is the case today. So buckle up and read on!
Upcoming Activities
20 May 2025 – Eli Evisera’s Demo Event
- After considerable coordination with like-minded Canadian woodturning clubs, we’ve arranged for Eli Avisera - a world-class woodturner from Israel - to come to Kingston
for a full evening of demonstrations!
- When: At our 20 May 2025 monthly meeting.
- Fee: Free for our members and $25 for visitors.
Note: We are estimating that it will cost our club roughly $600 to bring Ali to Kingston, so this is a great example of what
your club does for you!
April 26 & 27 2025 - Dave Bell’s Epoxy Workshop)
- Incorporating epoxy into hand-crafted work has become a recent trend among woodworkers of every stripe, so we’re happy to offer this workshop to our
- Venue: Kevin Ellis’ shop.
- Fee: $80; members only may attend. Refreshments will be included; attendees to bring their own lunch and snacks.
Skills Development Opportunities for New & Developing Turners
Skills Development – Demos. The Lions Club has given us the green light to hold
these events in their hall, the 1st Monday of each month.
- Fee: A $10 participant fee to cover materials would be required at each session.
- Participants will be limited to 6 (or depending on the particular session focus and the number of lathes provided).
- Mentors are still needed. If you’re interested, then please contact Second Vice-president Mike Whelan
- Lathes: The club’s lathe as well as ones that members will bring in.
- Activities allowed: Project turning, Bowl coring, Tool sharpening.
Note: We’re still coordinating what times the hall will be available to us on those days. That, and more to
Skills Development – Hands On. These events will be held at Kevin Ellis’ place on
weekends – dates to be determined by Kevin’s availability.
- Activity Topics include:
- Peppermill turning
- Tool sharpening
- Bowl coring
- Half or full-day events; bring your own lunch & snacks.
- These events are open to members, only.
- Fees will be variable, depending on the topic & costs. Minimum fee will be $20 per half day + material costs as determined by the
event organizer.
The Club’s General International Lathe – Silent Auction
Now that we have the Oneway lathe which was donated in honour of Keith Notley, the Executive Committee has decided to auctioning off the club’s General
International lathe that is at Dan Sabourin’s. A photo of that lathe, together with model number and serial number will soon be provided. Here’s an overview of the auction
- The minimum bid shall be $750.00.
- Only KWT members may enter bids. To be valid, a bid may be either hand-written or type-written on a piece of paper and clearly show the
- The bid amount in dollars and cents.
- The following statement: “I agree that by submitting this bid, should I win, that I shall forward the full bid amount via interac e-transfer to
waltsepic@gmail.com, or in cash, hand-delivered to the
Secretary of the Kingston Woodturners, within seven (7) days of receiving notification. I further agree to take possession of the lathe within seven (7) days after receiving notification from
the Secretary of the Kingston Woodturners, that payment in full has been satisfactorily received.” The bidder shall then place their signature at the end of that statement, along with their
full name, address, desired contact info (an email or phone number, only) and the date the bid was prepared.
- Bids are to be placed in a sealed envelope and delivered to the Secretary of the Kingston Woodturners either at his place of residence, 3000
Lakefield Dr., Inverary, ON K0H 2X0, or in person at any of our monthly meetings during the bidding period.
- Bidding will open at 6pm on 7 December 2024 and close at 6pm on 21 January 2025. There shall be no extensions authorized to the bidding
- Only bids received during the bidding period will be eligible for consideration.
- At the conclusion of the bidding period, two designated members of the Executive Committee shall open all bids receive, but consider only those they
determine to be valid bids in determining the winner. The winning bidder will be advised by the KWT Treasurer.
ByLaw No. 2 now in effect
It is our pleasure to advise you that ByLaw No.2 is now in effect. A copy has been placed on our
Here is the contact info for the bowl blanks. Also kiln dried
Bowl blanks;
Trish Kauffeldt 343-263-0558
7 Kitley on Line 6, Toledo
Kiln dried cherry; David Littl
Larry has arranged the chain saw demo for Sat. May
11. Westwood is doing this at their woodlot in Glenburnie. Cost is 20.00. Bring your chainsaw. They will give help with sharpening tips and chain tightness ect. Also demonstrating proper use and
safety. Time and address to follow. Please sign up early so he can give them an approx. number of participants. You can email info@kingstonwoodturners.com to sign up or contact Larry
The Frank Didomizio demo is coming up on May 25 again at Westwood Lumberco at 993 Princess
St. unit 17 from 10 till 2 or so. Frank will be turning a multi axis vase as well as a square bowl. cost will be 25.00 for members and 30.00 for non members. Lunch same as before pizza, subs ,
coffee, drinks and a veggie tray. Please sign up and pay by May 21 so we can arrange the lunch.
Bring your own chair.
On sunday May 26 we will be having a hands on with Frank.
you will be turning the multi axis bowl. we need a min. 4 people and max. 6 people.We will need to get lathes brought in.You bring your chuck, live center, tools etc.Wood will be 7x7x2. I have
some if you need it. You also will need to bring a small piece of wood to put over the live center point if yours can't be removed. The time is 10 till 2ish. The cost is 100.00
lunch included. Cutoff date for signup and payment is April 16.
You can look at Frank's work on his web site.
Hoping we have a bigger turnout for both of these events as they will be the last for the year.
We will need help setting up, picking up the lathes, av. lunch. and tear down
Check back monthly for upcomeing Special events