New Important information

KWT supports KGH cancer Patients,Wig stands are always welcome

this will download to your computers default download folder
WigStand .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [305.6 KB]

 This was the 97th delivery of wigstands to KGH

Next Monthly Meetings:

The  meeting will be held 

Tuesday, February 18

  - Meeting Starts at  6:30, ends @ 9pm


The meeting will be held at the Lion's Club Hall, 935 Sydenham Road (west side of Sydenham Rd, opposite Cataraqui Cemetery). There is some parking in front of the building and behind. Street parking is also available on Sydenham Road.  New members are always welcome and can join the Club at a meeting.



1.      Announcements and Club Business

2.     Coring 


·   Social Time.

o   Members are invited to bring enough treats (homebaked encouraged) to share with 5 to 6 individuals.

o   coffee, tea and water will be offered free of charge.


·   Monthly Challenge:

o   something embellished with colour


3.            Show & Tell :   (Limit of 2 pieces/member)

4.            Draws: 50/50 & prizes  




  • $60 annual membership fees are now due.  Payment options:

    o   Interac e-transfer to:

    o   Cash, at the monthly meeting


  • Wig Stands; bring in your completed ones.  Free kits will be available at the meeting.
  • Audio-Video Equipment has been procured, thanks to Dan McNeil.  Operators are still needed
  •  Coming Events: TBA


Note: we will take a 10 – 15 minute social break part way through the Main Presentation.  Free coffee and tea will be available.  Please bring a mug. 

  1. Our Club's sharpening system will be on hand for members to sharpen a few of their own tools.  Bring your own Vari-Grind jig (as everyone has a different angle...)
  2. We have wig stand "kits" available for those members who'd indicated their willingness to participate in this important public service.


Please feel free to bring something in for "Show N Tell". 



Frank DiDomizio Vase Raffle.

  • Twenty-five, $5 tickets will be available for sale, only at our December meeting and the draw will take place at the December meeting.



  • $60 annual membership fees are now due.  Two payment options are available:


  • Bring in your completed wig stands

Here are the plans for the wig stand that was demonstrated during the February meeting .



Adobe Acrobat document [305.6 KB]

Announcements and Reminders





KWT Library is always looking for more books and DVDs. If you have anything you would like to donate, please see Kathy Jones.


The club sells CA glue, accelerator, sandpaper and end sealer. See Joe Bernard or Kathy Jones for details.


Wig stands are always welcome

this will download to your computers default download folder
WigStand .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [305.6 KB]

Welcome to Kingston Woodturners

We are a non-profit organization that, with the help of our members, is trying to bring people together in the Kingston area  . We support educational and social community activities and any type of community-building initiative.

Contact us to find out how you can get involved now.

About Us

We are a non-profit organization and welcome anybody interested in wood turning . Our regular monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month, September - June, at the Lion's Club Hall, 935 Sydenham Road, from 6:30 - 9 pm.


"Learn n Turn" sessions are also available by appointment. Please email us for more information.



Kingston Woodturners


Get Social with Us

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